Friday, April 29, 2011


A friend, who I haven't seen in a while came over to see my new place. "How long have you lived here," she asked. To my surprise, "6 weeks," I answered. Looking around I realized that not much progress has been made as far decoration goes. So, yesterday, I got out the hammer and hung a few pictures. I still have some things to tie up, but here is another sneak peak into my love pad.


style-for-style said...

wow it looks amazing, I love the couch, string lamp, and collection of things hanging over the couch, I want to see the rest in person!

regina said...

please come see it next time you visit MI!

noƫlle {simmer down!} said...

LOVE! Where did you get the couch and coffee table?

regina said...

the couch was a thrift find! the table...found it on the street and painted it!!!

marie said...

your apartment looks like a feature in a style magazine or blog! love it!

regina said...

aw, thanks marie!